Yosemite Valley, the valley of light and shadow. There are days here that are so bright you don’t want to open your eyes and days that are so dark that you worry the sun has found its end. When looking from the west down the valley, long shadows create an oscillating line of light and shade through the middle of the forest that lines the Merced River. One side may represent good and the other evil but in total balance. On the dark side it is cold and full of snow and ice, the walls of the granite cliffs are saturated with long icicles and frozen waterfalls, you here sounds of cracking and breaking, loud and quiet but radical on both ends. On the light side, it is warm and bright, water trickles down those granite cliffs creating a subtle peace. The water is giving life to the vegetation eager to grow back to it’s summer strength. The sounds are soft, like the water almost tempting you to dip your toes in. In the middle is where I hope to stay to enjoy both sides of the valley and to learn from both.