The Wandering Sandpiper

Today, we left the house…

It was a short journey but provided much needed stimulation and exercise. We followed the shoreline north, like the wandering tattler. We never had a mission but seeking what was beyond the next pohaku. The sandpiper is seeking nutrition, small crabs and bugs, dodging waves and socializing with other birds. We were avoiding socializing and at one point were told by a police offer we could not stop for a moment due to the policies in place here on Maui. We paused for a moment and other people were gathering, shortly there after the policeman gave up and returned to his vehicle.

A sailboat that was pushed a shore from a storm weeks ago was being lifted out by a giant crane. Locals were arriving with provisions and surely were going to make a day out of this activity. Like the tattler we observed for a moment and moved on.

Following the shoreline further we entered an area where on Saturdays this park would be packed with bouncy castles, water slides and smoldering bbqs. Today, birds were playing, turtles were grinding limu, mongooses scavenging and whales peacefully logging. What a difference, this normally chaotic habitat where the sandpiper would make haste is now his salvation. Plenty of crabs and bugs for the whole day. But we must keep wandering, no chance to enjoy the benches, have a drink of coffee and relax.