Waking Up With The Birds

My current project at the moment is refurbishing and painting some nice 1970s oak cabinets. Let me tell you, it’s not my favorite thing to do. It will be rewarding in the end and I’m excited for the finished product but I seem to be having a block on moving forward. Every time I am ready to move to the next step I see another imperfection and break out the wood filler and sanding block. Then I have clean it again. A continuous loop of dissatisfaction. I can’t seem to get none.

Well anyways, what gets me motivated lately now that it’s not snowing and it’s in the 40s at night, is the ability to sleep with the windows open and be woken by the morning orchestra of Oak Titmouse, White-Breasted Nuthatch, California Quail and White Crested Sparrows. The early work of these birds sets a fire to get up and get to work. I like to grab a coffee and enjoy it on the deck in the warm sunlight. The fields are coming to life everyday more and more. Here are some photos of a little morning walk with early sunlight backlighting some of the flowers, trees and fences at Boulder Oaks.

Lilac Shrub is growing so fast
Tulips are flowering
Boulders and Oaks
Small wildflowers everywhere
Little flower pedals on my boots
Oak Tree Shadow