Winter Returns To California – Yosemite Winter Collection

The Merced River rushes in front of Bridal Veil Falls and the moon watches as it is about to set.

As soon as you think spring has arrived in Yosemite the weather cancels that thought. With reports of the 6th warmest January on record and a pretty mild February I was missing winter already. Well here we go again, a nice few days of storms is on the schedule and the first wave did not disappoint. A fresh layer of snow in Yosemite is like waking up on Christmas and running downstairs to see what Santa brought. The hard part is deciding where you want to shoot. In January, there was no one around. Now with Horse Tail Falls illuminating daily at sunset every spot is filled with photographers.

So what do you do, you hike a little bit. Most photographers get out of their car, walk a few feet and setup. Or they go to the usual suspects, Sentinel Bridge, Swinging Bridge and Stoneman Meadow. The great thing about living here is you tend to explore all the little areas and try to put them in the memory bank for days like these.

Yosemite is only 7 square miles and if you put a few thousand photographers in that area you’re bound to bump into one another. I know for a lot of photographers events like these are social events and everybody wants to reunite and talk story. Photography and creating art is my therapy and my solace. While creating images, I like to listen and the sound is part of the art. When I enjoy my creations I remember just what it was like when I hit the shutter release. Birds chirping, the Merced River trickling around corners, loud rocks and ice falling in the distance, chunks of snow falling off branches, the wind rustling oak leaves, these are the captions for my head.

One morning I actually found a spot that I could hop along some rocks and be posted in the middle of the Merced. My own personal island, surely no one can invade my space here. And it was, my sanctuary for about an hour. I watched the storm clouds bounce off El Cap. When I felt there was no chance to create an image, I stood and admired the water. It slowly surrounded me and carried on its way. The white from the snow dominates the scene but the granite in the bottom of the river glows red, orange and black. Then I look up from the river to the bark of the Ponderosa and the cedars and the amber glows through the blinding snow.

Once these fresh layers of snow melt away this time it will be spring and the warm colors that survive through the winter will turn into purples, blues and greens. The flowers and grasses in the meadows will return. And the winter will be an afterthought. For now though winter is my friend.

From the Merced River during a break in the blizzard. As I stand and watch the clouds hit the granite cliffs of Yosemite Valley I become mesmerized. Time is at a stand still and only the clouds movement tell me I’m not frozen in the moment.
Cook’s Meadow provides amazing views of both sides of the valley. The Sentinel shoots 4000 feet straight up. This was a temporary break in the week long snow storm and revealed the beauty of the sunrise.
Near the Ahwahnee the Merced River bends north towards Glacier Point and Curry Village. It also is one of the views not obstructed by trees that is not in a meadow. The old growth forest here frames the river bend beautifully.
A reflecting pool in Cook’s Meadow gives you double vision of a group of Ponderosa Pines. The Royal Arches on the left are the last granite cliff seen as the clouds block the views of North Dome and Half Dome. Winter Storms create once in a lifetime photographs and this image will never be replicated.

A fresh blanket over the meadow grasses smooths out the regularly textured grasses. The vision of a long snow field makes Half Dome seem so far away. Trust me walking through these snowy meadows is not easy. The payoff is again a timeless image.
A moment of gold through the storm clouds. I was enjoying Cook’s Meadow and I looked up to see the sun hit the west wall of Yosemite Falls. Many don’t know but this waterfall used to travel down that canyon where the sun shines. This moment only lasted a minute or two and was actual more beautiful than what I could create.
Traveling in the Lower Yosemite Falls area there are many footbridges that go over the Yosemite Creek which is more or less a delta of tributaries. After a fresh snow this forest and wetland is its own world of trickling water and falling snow bombs from the branches. Only a coyote beat me to the view on this morning.
At my furthest visibility, this tall oak reminds me there is still life beyond the snow. Less than 100 yards away the blizzard attempts to swallow the oak tree from my view. The trees of Yosemite have a past, whether it was fire, flood or disease the survivors are the Titans of the forest.
With recent trees cut down the historic views return. The Ahwahnee Hotel is dwarfed next to the granite cliffs from Royal Arch to Yosemite Falls. The snow storm began shortly after this break in the clouds.

All images have been shrunk for quicker upload times. All prints have higher resolution. Please stop by the store and see these images available for purchase. The Yosemite Winter Collection continues!

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